
小编: 贴心小棉袄 时间: 点赞

在员工与雇主之间,劳动合同是一份重要的约束性文件,但是在某些情况下,有时会因为各种原因需要解除该合同。当发生这种情况时,雇主需要给予一份解除劳动合同的证明书。这份证明书确认了员工与雇主之间的合同已经被解除。这样,员工能够为自己在未来找到新的工作提供证明。同时,这份证明书还需要包括一些基本的信息,如员工的姓名、身份证号码、入职日期和解除日期。此外,证明书需要明确解除合同的原因,比如双方的协商解除、员工自愿离职、或是雇主因为某些原因而选择解除合同。最后,这份证明书应该由雇主或公司负责人签署,并盖上公司的公章。这样,员工才能确信证明书的真实性和有效性,从而在日后的求职过程中更容易地证明自己的工作经历。无论如何,解除劳动合同证明书是对劳动合同关系结束的一个最终确认,体现了双方的公平与诚信。When it comes to the relationship between an employee and an employer, the labor contract is an important binding document. However, in certain circumstances, the contract may need to be terminated due to various reasons. When this happens, the employer needs to provide a certificate of termination that confirms the contract between the employee and employer has been terminated. This way, the employee can have proof of their previous employment when searching for a new job in the future.The certificate of termination should also include basic information, such as the employee's name, ID number, date of entry, and date of termination. In addition, the certificate needs to specify the reason for the termination, whether it was a mutual agreement, voluntary resignation by the employee, or termination by the employer due to certain reasons.Lastly, the certificate should be signed by the employer or company representative and stamped with the company's official seal. This way, the employee can be sure of the authenticity and validity of the certificate and easily prove their work experience when applying for jobs in the future. Regardless of the reasons for termination, the certificate of termination serves as a final confirmation of the end of the contractual relationship between the employee and employer and reflects the fairness and integrity of both parties.


Termination of Contract Certificate




联 系 电 话(Contact No.):                                                       


身份证号码(ID No.):                                                             


入职日期(Date of Enrollment):     年(YYYY)   月(MM)   日(DD)

解除日期(Date of Termination):     年(YYYY)   月(MM)   日(DD)

在本单位工作时间(Term of Employment):     年(YYYY)   月(MM)

依据的法律条文:《劳动合同法》第   条第   款第   

In accordance with the Labor Contract Law Article   ,    paragraph ()


Reasons (Please tick appropriate box below.)

□劳动者单方解除 Employee terminates the contract unilaterally

□用人单位按劳动合同法39条解除 Employer terminates the contract according to Article 39 of Labor Contract Law

□劳动者试用期内解除 Employee terminates the contract during probation

□用人单位按劳动合同法40条解除 Employer terminates the contract according to Article 40 of Labor Contract Law

□劳动者按劳动合同法38条解除 Employee terminates the contract according to Article 38 of Labor Contract Law

□用人单位经济性裁员 Employer reduces the staff due to economical reasons

协商一致解除Both parties terminate the contract upon the consensus through consulation:□单位原因 Employer’s Reasons□个人原因 Employee’s Reasons

单位名称Employer(盖章Official Seal

      年(YYYY)    月(MM)    日(DD)

签收人Signature of Employee              

签收日期(Date):       年(YYYY)    月(MM)    日(DD)


